Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 25 - Breakthrough

Alright ladies and gentlemen.

When there's a will, there's a way. I made a breakthrough today.

Today after school I was so hungry. There was NO LIVING FOOD IN MY HOUSE. Except for bananas. Now, I know that bananas are my trigger food. I ate 2 and a grapefruit and a huge salad and some mandarins. That's alot of food. So I was already bloated when I went to karate later that night.

I went to karate and did the workout and that was all fine and dandy. Now at the end of karate I had this overwhelming desire to just go home and binge. I was okay with that at karate and rationalizing it by telling myself that I had already blown that day because of the bananas and shit.


In the car on the way home, I took a second and told myself this about a hundred times over and over:

"You aren't going to like it, but this is what you have to do."

After that, I was fine. I didn't have the urge anymore. And now, I'm happy to report that I'm going to bed without having binged today.

Thank Jesus.

One Love,
A very euphoric Victo

340 days to go

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