Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day 20 - Ah. Here Wo go.

Today, I'm feeling good energies.

I got up and went to the gym, did back weights and 20 mins of stepper. Then, I went to Trhifty's and got a whole bunch of beautiful living things and a 1.5 of water. Then I went home, drank my water and ate a breakfast of 1/4 papaya, grapes and 1/4 pineapple with salba.

It's only just the beginning of the day, but I feel great.

Okay so, uncensored blog, right? Honest with myself, yes?

Well yesterday I had kind of a "acceptable-food-only binge". I had like 5 bananas and a smoothie with coconut milk and lost of nuts. I literally got sick at work that night, I thought I was going to throw up. This morning I feel better and not too bloated, but yeah. I'm a bit dissapointed. But we can only move forward from here, and I forgive myself for that time of weakness.

Today I'm playing a show in Langford (Westshore.. D:), and will be playing a 5 hour set. I've never done that before. I'm also going to be staying up all night and watching 200+ people get drunk. And crunk.

Yes, my life.

K well, that's about it for now. Just letting everyone know that today's prospects are good. I'm going to go for a little jog after I post this and then wash my hair and try to force my body to look half decent.

Btw, your comments are very much appreciated, but Blogger won't let me answer them. So If you'd like an answer, either email me or post your email. :)

One love,

PS: I realize my days to go counting has been off. Now it's 345 days to go.

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